Our Universal Pre-Kindergarten (UPK) Program focuses on children's primary areas of development: social & emotional development, gross & fine motor development, language arts & literacy, math, and science. Our educational curriculum is based on The Creative Curriculum for Preschool by Teaching Strategies. Explore it here: https://teachingstrategies.com/product/the-creative-curriculum-for-preschool/
Children are engaged in various activities which include recognizing print through learning center signs, dramatic play, practice counting blocks & numbers, learning about community helpers, plants and animals, participating in activities with their peers, practicing jumping, throwing, and balance. Our program includes Music and Movement which promotes physical fitness & coordination.
By the end of the year, each child will be able to:
* Write his/her name
* Identify all letters (Uppercase & Lowercase)
* Know all letter sounds
* Know all colors
* Listen to a story and tell what it is about
* Draw a picture and tell a story to match
* Identify shapes
* Complete a pattern
* Write the numbers 1 to 10
* Count and tell how many
* Count to 20
* Know his/her birthday
School Year 2023-2024
The pre-K application will is open, and the deadline to apply is March 10, 2023. During the application period, you can apply online or by phone.
During the application period, families can apply one of two ways:
Once you receive an offer from the DOE in the spring time, contact our school by e-mail or phone call. We will then help you with the registration process.
What do I need to register my child?
The Pre-registration checklist is available at the bottom of this page.
Listed below are all the required documents your child needs to attend UPK. Download to fill them out. You can e-mail or bring them to us.